Welcome to the new faces on my blog and Facebook page. I'm so glad that you found us! Last month, I offered a complimentary color consultation to whomever referred the most followers to my blog or Facebook page. I'm not sure who actually recruited the newcomers or if they just found us on their own, but thank you all! Please read on to learn about editing the space in which you live...
May is my favorite month. Not only because it's my birth month, but because it's a time for spring cleaning while the scent of the outdoors fills the air inside. It's definitely the time for home editing. When you hear the word edit, you probably think of images of books, newspapers or other reading materials. I call it decluttering. Take a closer look at details and treasures that you love, while eliminating items that are visually distracting. Display part of a collection, or cut fresh flowers and place them around your home in important areas, highlighting them for all to see. So basically, editing in this context means taking a magnifying glass to the areas that surround you to focus on simple details rather than placing various insignificant items in your space.
I'd like to share with you a fabulous company and new source of mine, Fireclay Tile. They're the leading ceramic tile company using recycled materials and their products are lead-free. I absolutely LOVE their "Vitrail" tile in color Green Tea. I'm thinking of using this tile in my powder room or kitchen. Check them out at : http://www.fireclaytile.com/. Their impressive list of clients includes Whole Foods.
Combine 1/4 cup salt, 1/4 cup borax, and 1/4 cup vinegar. Rub paste into carpet, leave for a few hours, then vacuum area.
~ Please check back next month to hear about all of the latest products after I've attended NEOCON in Chicago, one of the world's largest interior design markets.